
The extended meeting of students’ trade union, at which the joint report by chairmen in trade union, students’ parliament and students’ scientific society about urgent and important topic for studentship – rules for calculation of integrated rating index of student – was presented, was held on 17, June, 2015.

This issue attracted the great interest at present people. During discussion they suggested the changes into calculation and took the decision to offer for consideration of proposals by university administration after their correction, presentation and discussion on the website of trade union.
The students’ trade union reported about the work, held in 2014/2015 academic year. The chairman of trade union bureau and chairman of commissions in trade union told the present people about performed work, as well as presented the strategy for development and vision of work in their directions in the future.

The joint task for all trade union bureaus for last year was to arrange the structure. Activization of work by trade union leaders in courses, improvement in informing the students about proposals and possibilities of trade union. The told the present people about social protection for students of faculty, ordering the privileged tickets and participation of representatives and active students in all-university events.

The chairman in students’ trade union Vlasiy Pylypko mentioned that the trade union bureaus in such structured form started working not long ago as the following commissions of trade union started functioning in full: social and legal protection, curative, housing living, cultural mass, physical education and tourism, information.
The chairmen in commissions also presented their reports about performed work, reported about their personal composition, told about available problems and top-priority directions in development of commissions in the future.

The report by cultural mass commission paid the significant attention to the first charitable dancing party of NMU “To our heroes”, at which UAH 43,626 were collected and the elliptical trainer and scanning two channel laser were bought to the rehabilitation center of soldiers in ATO.
The largest acquisition of information commission was the modernization and improvement of trade union website that opens more opportunities for timely and convenient informing the studentship about the most urgent news and events.

The representative of Students parliament, students’ scientific society and just not indifferent students took an active part in discussions.
The chairman in trade union of employees M.M. Lukianets, deputy chairman in trade union of employees V.G. Lapko and director of students’ quarter I.I. Avgustynovych, ho expressed the gratitude to students’ trade union for fruitful work and wished successes in further undertakings, were present at the meeting.