
75% of deaths due to emergency conditions in Ukraine are coming before hospitalization

Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets National Medical University started his work in August 2015.

Practical trainings started on September 15th, 2015 at the Institute after a month of theoretical training.

‘To train interns we have the basis for a European practice. In Europe, such courses are usually held on a lot of money. The cheapest rate, for example, in Poland is 200 euro’, – said the director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets NMU, Yuriy Kuchyn.

Practical lessons are held in modern simulation equipment – mannequins that simulate a critical state.

‘We will continue to change the existing structure, when we have lectures, operation room is available and nothing more. We have changed. We have implemented this in our Institute to teach systematically each person who receives Certificate. This is a mandatory program. Naturally, we started with anesthesiologists, because these are the people whose name is often in critical conditions “, – said Yuriy Kuchyn.

Training according to European standard – this is the first practice of the new program for interns at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets NMU.

‘First, students are prepared theoretically and then undergo long intensive training to acquire knowledge and skills, and general competence. They started training on emergency conditions because it is the most important aspect for our country. After all, 75% of people die in Ukraine before their hospitalization according to statistics, even in the presence of the ambulance, and in developed countries it is 25% ‘, – says Yuriy Kuchyn.

Reference: Institute of Postgraduate Education began work in August 2015. The Institute trained more than 1,500 interns. They undergo trained according to European programs, with emphasis on practical training.


Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця