
The International scientific practical conference to World Health Day 2015 on topic “Safety of food products” has just finished its work, and the specialists of University have already started the consultations with the representatives from European Regional Bureau of WHO as to further cooperation in solution of multi aspect questions of safety in food products.

At the initiative of Bureau of WHO in Ukraine on 14, April, 2015 Dr. Hilde Kruse – coordinator of program on safety of food products, infectious diseases, protection of health and environment at European Regional Bureau of WHO and Nataliia Korol – national specialist in prevention of non-infectious diseases visited NMU. Together with the heads and teachers at departments of health care organization and social medicine and family medicine they discussed the direction in possible scientific researches and events of informational and educational character.

The gusts were presented with the scientific practical editions to World Health Day 2015, explained the peculiarities for its celebration at NMU with participation of Chairman in Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on health care issues, deputy minister of health care of Ukraine, vice-president in NAMS of Ukraine, head of Bureau of WHO in Ukraine, representatives from scientific educational schools from 10 countries all over the world.

The cross-sectoral approach to organization of scientific practical forum and invitation of specialists from other spheres for participation in it, in particular the officers from Ministry of agrarian policy and foodstuffs of Ukraine, State veterinary and phytosanitary service, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine received the special approval by representative of ERB WHO.

The participation of chief extraordinary specialists from MHC of Ukraine and workers in practical health care in the conference, the overall discussion of hygienic, toxicological, epidemiological, treatment and diagnostic, organizational, legal, informational, communicative, educational and other aspects in safety of food products were assessed positively.

Dr. Hilde Kruse mentioned about importance for involvement of young scientists, masters, postgraduate students, clinical residents, students and pupils of lyceum into solution of problems on safety of food products as it will be they, who will implement the strategies, being formed today, and the programs on improvement of public health.

Nataliia Korol was sure that the previous positive expirience on implementation of projects by ERB WHO at NMU as to struggle against tobacco, prevention of non-infectious diseases, etc., successful performance of joint scientific, educational, informative and educating events serve as a reliable basis for further close and fruitful cooperation, directed to solve the urgent problems in public health.