
The cooperation in the sphere of education and scientific research activity is implemented during approximately a year according to agreement between Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) and O.O. Bohomolets National medical university, dd. 24, June, 2014.

The exchanges and visits of students at pre-graduate and post-graduate levels of study, as well as professors and students are carried out within the agreement. Thus, in June-July, 2014 the student of medical school Alpert University Brown passed through probation and performed the project-research “Innovations in medical education to improve the perception of vaccination in Ukraine”. The scientific research work was carried out on the base of university and in close cooperation with the scientific club on phthisiology and pulmonology. It was devoted to study of attitude to vaccination of medical students and possibilities for its correction to improve the perception of vaccination in Ukraine. The seminar-master-class “Problematic issues about vaccination: dispelling the myths”.

One of the top-priority directions in interuniversity work is the organization of joint research activity within the study of problems on tuberculosis and HIV-infection that is of the world urgency. Recently they have started the work on regular exchange project, which involves the students and employees at Harvard medical school. The project is devoted to the issue “Study of results from treatment of patients with tuberculosis”. It will allow performing the assessment of data from program on struggle against tuberculosis in Kyiv region to define the prognostic factors that cause to negative results from treatment of patients. The advanced study of reasons for refusal of patients from treatment will enable developing the corresponding events to improve the goodwill of patients with tuberculosis to vaccination, and, thus, it will make their treatment more efficient.

One of the main tasks is the exchange of materials and scientific achievements at international level, performance of joint conferences and academic programs. Thus, in October, 2014 the delegation from O.O. Bohomolets National medical university, consisting of young researchers at department of phthisiology and pulmonology (in particular, Krasiuk V.Ye. Radysh G.V.) took part in the work of the 45th World conference on health of lungs (Barcelona, Spain). During educational and scientific events in the conference the delegation not only got acquainted with the world expirience in struggle against tuberculosis but presented the report due to results from scientific research works by department of phthisiology and pulmonology. In particular, it paid attention to the results from research on efficiency in schemes for treatment of resistant tuberculosis with inclusion of gemifloxacin and other fluoroquinolones, as well as analysis of statistical indices for tuberculosis in Kyiv and Ukraine for last 10 years.

The next perspective direction in joint activity with involvement of Brown and Harvard universities will become the genome researches, which purpose is to study the genetic basis for resistance of tuberculosis causative agent in Ukraine. And the consequence of the project will become the development of the new diagnostic means, in particular, to improve the diagnostics of resistant tuberculosis and the efficiency in antimicobacterial therapy of patients with tuberculosis.

Thus, the cooperation with the leading universities from the USA will allow not only improving the qualification of university staff, jointly performing the perspective scientific research works but will enable solving the important and urgent tasks in health care, among which the improvement of diagnostics, treatment and control for tuberculosis.


Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Вунмі Айбана дослідник з Гарвардського університету серед студентів НМУ та викладачів кафедри фтизіатрії (листопад 2014р.)
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця

Підписання угоди про співпрацю між НМУ та Університетом Брауна (червень 2014р.)

Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця

Співробітники університетів Гарварда та Брауна на кафедрі фтизіатрії та пульмонології (березень 2014 р.)

Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця

Співробітники університетів Гарварда та Брауна під час відвідування НМУ (травень 2014)