
The session of General Meeting of NAS of Ukraine, at which the full members (academicians) and corresponding members in NAS of Ukraine were elected, took place on 6, March, 2015.

Before present election the Presidium in NAS of Ukraine announced 12 vacancies of academicians and 51 vacancies of corresponding members in NAS of Ukraine due to sixty one specialties.

The allocation of vacancies due to divisions and determination of specialties were carried out taking into consideration the top priority directions in fundamental sciences, available worthy candidates for election, and not only at the institutes of Academy but at higher schools, sectoral scientific and scientific technical establishment of Ukraine, as well as importance in development of scientific researches and findings, aimed to strengthen the defensive capacity of our country. Taking this approach into consideration, the vacancies were open due to the following specialties: “mechanics of space and missile systems”, “computer technologies and information security”, “military medicine, emergency surgery”, “mechanics, reliability of structures”, “laser instrumentation, control systems”, “chemistry of high energy substances” and some others.

Despite the hard conditions of present times, the authority of National academy of sciences of Ukraine in society remains to be high and corresponds to its status of the highest scientific organization in the state. This stipulated the significant interest of scientific community to election and, accordingly, to high competition of candidates. Thus, 35 candidates were offered and registered to the vacancies of academicians, i.e. almost three persons per one place and 206 candidates to vacancies of corresponding members or four persons per one place. 191 candidates (79.2% from total number) are employees in NAS of Ukraine, 50 persons (20.8%) represent the higher schools, sectoral scientific institutions and other organizations.

The following persons were elected due to the results from secret voting:


Division of Mathematics at NAS of Ukraine

Samoylenko Yuriy Stefanovych

Division of informatics at NAS of Ukraine

Zadiraka Valeriy Kostiantynovych

Division of mechanics at NAS of Ukraine

Bohdanov Viacheslav Leonidovych

Degtyarev Oleksander Viktorovych

 Division of physics and astronomy at NAS of Ukraine

Yatsenko Leonid Petrovych

Division of sciences about Earth at NAS of Ukraine

Morozov Anatoliy Oleksiyovych

Ponomarenko Oleksander Mykolayovych

Division of physical technical problems in science of materials at NAS of Ukraine

Kryzhanivskyy Yevstakhiy Ivanovych

Solonin Yuriy Mykhaylovych

Division of chemistry at NAS of Ukraine

Chernykh Valentyn Petrovych

Division of biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology at NAS of Ukraine

Kosterin Serhii Oleksiyovych

Fomin Petro Dmytrovych



Division of Mathematics at NAS of Ukraine

Kochubey Anatoliy Naumovych

Sliusarchuk Vasyl Yukhymovych

Tymokha Oleksander Mykolayovych

Division of informatics at NAS of Ukraine

Grytsenko Volodymyr Illich

Kyselyova Olena Mykhaylivna

Fedorov Oleh Pavlovych

Khimich Oleksander Mykolayovych

Division of mechanics at NAS of Ukraine

Bobyr Mykola Ivanovych

Voropayev Gennadiy Oleksandrovych

Nazarenko Volodymyr Mykhaylovych

Poliakov Mykola Viktorovych

Division of physics and astronomy at NAS of Ukraine

Golovach Yuriy Vasylyovych

Kladko Vasyl Petrovych

Levchenko Mykola Ivanovych

Lykholita Mykola Ivanovych

Piliugin Leonid Stepanovych

Tarapov Serhii Ivanovych

Division of sciences about Earth at NAS of Ukraine

Yemelyanov Volodymyr Oleksandrovych

Kendzer Oleksander Mykhaylovych

Stepaniuk Leonid Mykhaylovych

Shekhunova Stella Borysivna

Division of physical technical problems in science of materials at NAS of Ukraine

Akhonin Serhii Volodymyrovych

Gektin Oleksander Vulfovych

Pozniakov Valeriy Dmytrovych

Skalskyy Valentyn Romanovych

Sorokin Viktor Mykhaylovych

Division of physical technical problems in energy sector at NAS of Ukraine

Kondratenko Ihor Petrovych

Nosovskyy Anatoliy Volodymyrovych

Rusanov Andrii Viktorovych

Division of nuclear physics and energy sector at NAS of Ukraine

Garkusha Ihor Yevgeniyovych

Denysov Vitaliy Yuriyovych

Onischenko Ivan Mykolayovych

 Division of chemistry at NAS of Ukraine

Ischenko Oleksander Oleksandrovych

Tovazhnianskyy Leonid Leonidovych

Turov Volodymyr Vsevolodovych

Shyman Leonid Mykolayovych

Division of biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology at NAS of Ukraine

Sydorenko Svitlana Pavlivna

Skok Maryna Volodymyrivna

Tovkach Fedir Ivanovych

Division of general biology at NAS of Ukraine

Aleksandrov Borys Georgiyovych

Yemets Alla Ivanivna

Zaimenko Nataliia Vasylivna

Kots Serhii Yaroslavovych

Division of economics at NAS of Ukraine

Voynarenko Mykhaylo Petrovych

Kyzym Mykola Oleksandrovych

Makarova Olena Volodymyrivna

Skrypnychenko Mariia Illivna

Division of history, philosophy and law at NAS of Ukraine

Vidnianskyy Stepan Vasylyovych

Popyk Volodymyr Ivanovych

Rafalskyy Oleh Oleksiyovych

Division of literature, language and science of art at NAS of Ukraine

Nakhlik Yevgen Kazymyrovych

Besides, the General Meeting adopted the decree “About draft of new wording for Charter of NAS of Ukraine”, which anticipates the changes into Charter of Academy in the part that concerns the election of Presidium and president in NAS of Ukraine. The abovementioned changes were prepared in fulfillment of decision by General Meeting, dd. 3, April, 2014 “On prolongation of the period for authorities of Presidium in NAS of Ukraine. It should be mentioned that the new wording of Charter of NAS of Ukraine, adopted by General Meeting, requires further approval by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Adapted from press service of NAS of Ukraine