ORDER #460 dated 26.08.2014

ORDER #460 dated 26.08.2014
On preparation for the beginning of 2014/2015 academic year
and organization of its passing in
Bogomolets National Medical University
In compliance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 08.22.2014 under #595 “On preparation for the beginning of 2014/2015 academic year and organization of its running”, to ensure proper preparation of the University for the beginning of 2014/2015 academic year,
1. Operational analysis of training status of the University to organized beginning of 2014/2015 academic year, to provide practical assistance to resolve the outstanding issues and develop an action plan for the preparation and organization of 2014/2015 academic year, to create relevant Commission and adopt its personal composition (Appendix 1).
2. To adopt “Action Plan” for preparation and organization of 2014/2015 academic year in Bogomolets National Medical University” (Appendix 2).
3. I shall personally supervise the implementation of the Order
Corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
Professor K.M. Amosova


Appendix 1
Tsekhmister Ya.V.

Chairman of the Commission, acting Prorector for scientific and pedagogical work, professor

Stepanenko V.І.
Vice-Chairman, acting Prorector for scientific and pedagogical work, professor;
Chaykovsky Yu.B..
Vice-Chairman, Prorector for scientific work, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professor;
Antonenko М.Yu.
Vice-Chairman, Prorector for International Relations, Scientific and Pedagogical Work, professor;
Naumenko О.М.
Khimich І.М
Vice-Chairman, Prorector for scientific and pedagogical, medical work and postgraduate education professor, professor
Vice-Chairman, Prorector for Economic Affairs
Work group members:
Zakordonets О.О.
Prorector for Work with Foreign Students, Associate professor
Nykytyuk О.А.
Prorector for Administrative Work
Fed N.S
Chief Accountant;
Lukianets М.М.
Chairman of Staff union;
Zhukovtseva L.І.
Head of Personnel Department
Konovalova L.V.
Head of Planning Finnancial Department
Nikolayenko А.О.
Head of Law Department
Stechenko О.V.
Head of Academic and Methodical Department, Associate professor
Horova О.S.
Head of  Humanitarian Education and Training Department
Chaly К.О.
Head of Computer Learning Technologies and Distance Education Department, Professor
Terletsky R.V.
Executive secretaryof Admission Commision
Kovtun N.P.
Head of Documents Control Office
Matyukhina L.О.
Library Supervisor
Zhursky P.
Chairman of Students Parliament
Pylypko V.
Chairman of Students’ Trade Union


Appendix 2
Business event contents
Responsible executives
To consider preparation for 2014/2015 academic year at meetings of scientists and pedagogical councils, involving to participation heads of structural divisions on health issues of regional and city administrations, local authorities and governments, research institutions, health care institutions, non-governmental organizations, representatives of Students Government and foreign local associations.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
To ensure implementation of celebrations of the Day of Knowledge. To take into account the guidelines of the Institute of innovative technology and content of education of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine concerning holding the first lecture “Ukraine is a sovereign democratic state” in the new 2014/2015 academic year.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
To provide the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on information about the University’s readiness to the 2014/2015 academic year and the autumn-winter period.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
To submit to the Health Ministry of Ukraine the issues list of University’s activity in the 2014/2015 academic year and proposals for their solving.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
 Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М .
To submit to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine report on results of the execution of the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on August 27, 2013 under #762 “On preparations for the beginning in 2013/2014 academic year and the organization of its running.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
 Chaykovsky Yu.B.
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
To submit proposals to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to implement the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which takes effect on September 6, 2014, following the characteristics of activity of higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions of I-IVth accreditation levels and postgraduate schools
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
 Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
To bring to the attention of those who study at the University, as well as pedagogical and teaching staff provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which takes effect on September 6, 2014, including the timing of taking effect of individual articles in accordance with the final provisions of this Law.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
 Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Heads of Structural subdivision, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments.
To discuss within the University staff draft regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Concept of new health care system” published by posting on the official website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the Internet (www.moz.gov.ua). To submit your suggestions and comments to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Till 01.10.2014
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М,
Heads of Structural subdivision, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments
To ensure giving regional scientific-practical seminars by leading pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff of the University for doctors and junior medical specialists of primary and secondary level to ensure their continuing professional development in the context of the challenges of sector reformation.
01.07.14 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Marushko Yu.V.
In connection with the anti-terrorist operation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions:
– Examine the possibility of recovery of the department of military training of the University by submitting appropriate proposals to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to October 1st  ;
– Up to October 1, 2014 provide including topics on the organization and provision of medical care during wartime and during peacetime emergencies to existing curricula subjects: “Internal Medicine” (5 year), “Surgery, pediatric surgery” (5 year), “Traumatology and Orthopaedics” (5 year), “Neurosurgery” (5 year), “Hygiene and Ecology” (3 year), “Epidemiology” (5 year);
– To comply strictly with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to organize the transfer and renewal of persons enrolled in Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, the State institution “Lugansk State Medical University”, including foreign students;
– Urgently develop and adopt the position of the University concerning distance learning, providing appropriate educational and methodological support and means of control the educational process for teaching certain categories of students transferred (renewed) to training from Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, the State institution “Lugansk State Medical University” in the University;
– To examine the possibility of temporary employment of teaching staff of Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, the State institution “Lugansk State Medical University” at the University within the budgetary allocations for relevant purposes approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in 2014;
– To define in terms of specialties, directions and forms of training possible additional amounts to transfer (renewal) persons enrolled in Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, the State institution “Lugansk State Medical University”, including foreign students, to the University on the basis of public contract and at the expense of businesses and individuals considering the volume of licensed training and the availability of vacant seats in the dormitories of the University by submitting relevant proposals to the Ministry of Health Ukraine till November 1, 2014, separately – on the need for additional financing volumes;
– To define, in terms of forms of postgraduate education, possible additional volumes of advanced training doctors and pharmacists from Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as foreign clinical interns, postgraduate students and masters at the University, with taking into account given licensed volumes of advanced training and availability of vacant seats in dormitories, submitting relevant proposals to the Ministry of Health Ukraine till November 1, 2014, separately – on the need for additional financing volumes;;
– To work together with the Heads of structural subdepartments for health issues of regional and city administrations the possibility of temporary accommodation of employees of structural subdivisions of Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, the State institution “Lugansk State Medical University” at the University or its structural subdivisions and other facilities by submitting relevant proposals to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine till November 1, 2014, separately – on the need for additional financing volumes.
01.10.14 р.
01.10.14 р.
Протягом року
01.11.14 р.
01.09.14 р.
01.11.14 р.
01.11.14 р.
01.11.14 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М.,
Khimich І.М
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Stechenko О.V.,
Heads of departments
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Stechenko О.V.,
Zakordonets О.О., Deans of faculties
 Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Stechenko О.V.,
Zakordonets О.О., Deans of faculties
Tsekhmister Ya.V.,
Naumenko О.М., Dubrov S.О.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Marushko Yu.V.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
In execution to the Law of Ukraine “On protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine”:
–          strictly and promptly comply with guidance letters and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on enrollment students from temporarily occupied territory, obtaining state-recognized documents on education, transfer and renewal of people who studied at the State institution “Georgiyivsky Crimean State Medical University” to the University, enrolling in internship and employment;
–          ensure timely submission to State Higher Educational Institution “Gorbachovsky Ternopil State Medical University” by students, interns, masters, listeners, medical residents, graduate and doctoral students in the form of relevant statistics and economic indicators posted on the official website of the University, concluding appropriate agreements between the university and the University in accordance with legislation.
In the course of 2014/2015 academic year
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Zakordonets О.О.,
Stechenko О.V.,
Dubrov S.О.,
Chalyi К.О
In order to improve the organization of training of doctors and pharmacists provide:
– further improvement of educational and training activity of practical training centers of students and interns;
– acquisition of modern textbooks, including electronic media, taking into account the recommendations of monitoring groups of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Chairmen of the State Examination Boards;
– Further implementation of guidelines for training bases of interns, standardized forms of individual plan of training of interns, internship diaries of all specialties, developed in execution of the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, dated December 27, 2013 under #1145 “On improving the organization of training bases of interns”, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, dated April 14, 2014:
– introduction of modern information system of libraries of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions of 4th level of accreditation, which provides availability of electronic catalogs, creating repository, introduction of bar coding, order literature in on-line mode, electronic library card etc., considering guidelines “Organization of information and technological systems at  library of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institution”, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, dated January 28, 2014;
– introduction of cross-cutting programs at the University, including a typical cross-cutting program “Palliative and Hospice Care” for students of specialties “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, dated January 17, 2014.
01.07.15 р
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
 Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Matyukhina L.А.,
Dubrov S.О.,
Stechenko О.V.,
In order to improve the quality of training of doctors and pharmacists:
– To ensure the constant updating and posting information banks of tests on the server of distance learning, published by the State Organization “Testing Center of professional competence of specialists with higher education training directions “Medicine” and “Pharmacy” at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”;
– to prepare students for the integrated licensing examination “Krok” (hereinafter ILE) in several stages – independent work and study of test items of ILE, students’ work in the departments, monitoring of teaching and learning activity of students in preparation for the ILE by comprehensive tests according to the format of appropriate ILE (diagnostic testing and final training (Rector) test control); structured pilot test exams, similar examination “Krok 2” by relevant departments in accordance with the disciplines;
– to lead level of methodological and logistical management of departments in line with modern requirements for the organization of teaching and learning of students in preparation for the ILE (providing books, purchase computers, simulators, phantoms, etc.);
– to improve the content of lectures and pre-examination consulting of disciplines that are part of ILE, ensuring proper level of deans’ control over their conduct;
– To be sure to inform students about the established order of passing state exams, paying particular attention to the need to comply with legislation on the educational process and the state certification of graduates. Inform students and teaching staff of the University of launching of ILE “Krok 1. Pharmacy” for students of distance learning with a specialization “Pharmacy” in 2014/2015 academic year.
01.07.15 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Stechenko О.V.,
Ryzhova І.P.,
Polovchanska О.D.,
Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments.
In order to properly preparation for the autumn-winter season:
– To carry out capital and current repairs of buildings and premises of educational and residential purpose and power equipment. To organize academic buildings, to bring the state of dormitories into compliance with health standards of accommodation, primarily by ensuring NMU willingness to work in the winter;
– to provide possibility for amending the schedule of the educational process of full time, including compression of the schedule of classes at the end of the fall semester of 2014/2015 academic year at the expense of additional training, partial transition to a six-day working week and increase duration of winter holidays to four weeks.
01.01.15 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
For the purpose of proper organization and management of the budget:
– To conduct an internal audit of certain aspects of financial and economic activity of the NMU over the past academic year and in case of violations to take appropriate measures in accordance with the law;
– To improve the state of performance discipline, to bring to responsibility those who failed to ensure timely compliance the requirements of subparagraph 4 of paragraph 3 of the Regulation on the work of the Selection Committee with  placing the state order for training, research and scientific-pedagogical personnel training in higher educational, postgraduate education, research institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine management domain, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 21.06.2013, under #536 “On formation and placement of state order for training of specialists, scientific and educational staff, advanced training”. To inform the Health Ministry of Ukraine on actions taken till 11.01.2015;
– to direct the flow of general and special funds of the state budget primarily for improving social protection of students and staff, preparation the NMU for the autumn-winter period.
01.03.15 р.
01.11.14 р.
01.07.15 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
 Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
In order to prevent and fight corruption:
– To conduct ongoing campaign among teachers and students and to take effective measures to prevent corruption offenses;
– To conduct an anonymous survey of students about the facts of corruption and bribery together with non-governmental organizations, Students government and representatives of foreign national groups during academic year.
In case of corruption offenses take appropriate action under the law.
01.07.15 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Antonenko М.Yu.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М
Nikolayenko А.О.,
Pylypko V.,
Zhursky P., Hyliuk V.
In order to improve the quality of educational work:
– to implement measures for the organization of student entertainment by creating appropriate conditions for rest and nutrition students, involve them in creative amateur groups, sports clubs, etc;
– to facilitate the work of the Students government, student scientific societiesв;
– to ensure further activity of NMU’s charity and volunteer groups of students and interns to assist health care and social institutions, hospices, veterans of war and labor, the poor, children deprived of parental care and orphans;
– to take measures to promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle among students;
– to attract students to the organization of student hostels, sports grounds and adjacent areas, etc;
– to take steps to ensure the safety of foreign students in Ukraine, to prevent the emergence of conflicts and the illegal acts, to conduct respective educational work;
 -to ensure prompt resolution of domestic and social problems of domestic and international students, to comply with international treaties and agreements.
01.07.15 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Zakordonets О.О.,
Savychuk О.V.
Within the data of the World Health Organization concerning disease related to Ebola virus, and, taken into account the significant number of foreign students studying at the University, and those who arrived from countries in West Africa, where there is a very unfavorable situation on the spread of the disease (primarily from Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea),
– to take measures to organize medical surveillance for these students to prevention and prophylaxis of this disease;
– to include topics on the organization and provision of medical care in diseases related to Ebola virus in the curricula of training of doctors of all specialties in the disciplines: “Microbiology, Virology and Immunology”, “Infectious diseases”, “Epidemiology”, “Internal medicine with infectious diseases and phthisiology”,”Pediatrics with childhood infectious diseases and phthisiology”,”Epidemiology”.
01.12.14 р.
01.10.14 р.
Tsekhmister Ya.V., Stepanenko V.І.,
Chaykovsky Yu.B.,
Naumenko О.М., Khimich І.М Zakordonets О.О.,
Savychuk О.V.,
 Heads of appropriate Departments