
The first meeting of newly established Students’ scientific club was held on 7, April, 2016 at department of pathological anatomy No 2 at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university.

The first scientific topic of department, which has the code of state registration “Research on nosomorphosis and improvement of morphological diagnostics for modern social dangerous and significant infectious and endocrine diseases” was presented by head at department of pathological anatomy No 2, professor Serhii Gychka. “First of all, the scientific interest of the club is accented on such diseases as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and flu, as well as on study of endocrine diseases – diabetes mellitus and pathologies of thyroid gland. These diseases today have the extremely important medical and social significance”, – mentioned Serhii Gychka.

The students of scientific club at department are divided due to scientific interests into groups for study of HIV-infections, tuberculosis, flu and diabetes mellitus. The meetings will be held due to the forms of work, starting from reviews of literature and finishing with writing own researches. The students have already been acquainted with the regulatory documentation, which exists in relation to scientific work. According to the words by professor Serhii Gychka the students shall know how the process of publications takes places, what are the rating journals and requirements to publications.

Now the employees at department are preparing some Doctor’s and Candidate’s dissertations due to the topics of the department and students will involve into this scientific process. Thus, the students will be able to master the basics of scientific work, become the co-participants in fulfillment of departmental topics and will have the possibility to be published in rating scientific journals and make speeches at scientific conferences.

The scientific supervisor of students’ scientific club at department of pathological anatomy No 2 – assistant professor Petro Kuzyk. He mentioned that the club will work over three directions of activity – scientific research work (HIV-infection, flu, tuberculosis, endocrine diseases), scientific methodic work (preparation of presentations, thematic posters, publication of scientific works, participation in development of methodic documents), scientific practical activity (the work relates to the methodologies of pathomorphological researches, rules for collection and preparation of material for histological and morphological researches, rules to keep the material and basics of diagnostics for diseases of pathological processes at this stage).

The students’ scientific club at department now includes approximately thirty students, the meetings will be held 1-2 times a month.
In the future the students will be involved into methodology of description and analysis of results, received from research, and they will become the full participants in scientific process of department.

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Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця