
The traditional meeting of rector Kateryna Amosova with students was held on 4, February, 2015 in conference hall of physical chemical building of NMU, in which the prorectors, deans of faculties and representatives of students’ self-government authorities of university also took part.

The rector in her speech described the main problematic issues that relate to liquidation of academic failures, procedure for acceptance of students’ failures at departments, peculiarities for training to exams “KROK”, accommodation in hostels, events for energy provision at buildings and hostels, etc.

Kateryna Amosova informed that the period for liquidation of academic failures finished on 30, January, 2015 but the final period was prolonged until 6, February, 2015.

As it concerned the question about execution of medical certificate about diseases (“Is it necessary to certify the medical certificate, issued by first-aid post in Shutova street, at students’ polyclinic?”) the rector confirmed that the certificates from university first-aid post are accepted without certification but emphasized that all other certificates, received due to the place of residence, will be accepted by dean’s office only with confirmation from Kyiv city students’ polyclinic.

The student in pharmaceutical faculty wondered about the status of pharmacy in the territory of pharmaceutical building. Recently the students had addressed with the open letter to the rector to solve the problem with vacation of the premises in pharmaceutical faculty from pharmacy “Inteleks” LLC. As the building has no wardrobe and canteen that creates rather uncomfortable conditions for study of students. In this relation the prorector on scientific pedagogical work and perspective development Oleksander Nykytiuk answered: “The university administration has already sent the appeal to Regional division in Fund of state property of Ukraine in city Kyiv about termination of lease contract with “Inteleks” LLC that was prolonged with infringements and without agreement with university”.


The student in medical faculty wondered: “Why is the practice held during study and not during the summer holidays?” The rector informed that the practice is the important component of doctor and shall be efficient, thus, the changes in procedure for passage through practice occurred due to decision by Scientific council of University and the practice will be held at clinical bases of NMU as this issue was caused by urgent need in control for how the practice was held and what actual results were received from its passage.


As it concerns the question “Will other hostels be brought to the state of hygienic rules (per 2-3 persons in the room) and will hostel No 8 be put into operation?” professor K. Amosova answered the following: “We have the urgent question about overcrowding, at hostels and the administration carries out the steps to solve this issue as soon as possible. In particular, it is planned to appeal to the mayor of Kyiv to return the ownership for leased hostel No 2 to University. At present moment 50 places are vacant in hostel No 7 and 78 places in sanatorium-preventorium and all these places should be allocated by students’ active group according to hygienic rules. As it concerns hostel No 8 the pre-trial investigation is still on and the construction is not performed yet.

At the end of the meeting the rector emphasized that it is necessary to give the temporary students’ ID cards to students until the normal financing of university will be renewed by State treasury of Ukraine.