
The II stage in all-Ukrainian Students’ Olympiad in discipline “Hygiene” will be held on 1-2, March this year on the base of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University in order to improve the quality in training of qualified specialists, to seek for talented students’ youth, to encourage their creative work and pursuant to Provisions about performance of all-Ukrainian Students’ Olympiad, approved by order from Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, dd. 13, December, 2012 No 1410.

The Olympiad in any academic discipline – this is the additional established possibility for a part of students’ youth to demonstrate their abilities, intellect, results from their troublesome work during study at medical university.

Thanks to persistent position of university administration at the head of rector Kateryna Amosova the restoration of tradition to perform the II stage in all-Ukrainian Students’ Olympiad in discipline “Hygiene” on base of NMU is for university and for department of hygiene and ecology No 1 as supportive one of the indices to encourage the development of preventive priorities in medicine, possibility for detection and encouragement for further scientific achievements in the field of hygiene at students of different occupational direction.

This time 8 students from the 3rd and 5th courses of medical faculties No 1, 4, FTDAFU, among them there were the experienced students and quite young students-scientists took part in the I stage of Olympiad.

The Olympiad was held in three stages: written answers to tests in different sections of hygiene, solution of situational task, assessment of practical abilities and skills at work with devices.

Professor Serhii Omelchuk, Professor Vasyl Bardov, dean of medical faculty No 4, Professor Ihor Pelio, who expressed the words of sincere support to young scientists, made the welcome speeches to the students-participants.

Due to results from works for participation in the II stage of Olympiad in discipline “Hygiene” the organizing committee of the I stage recommended the students-winners of the I stage Husak Volodymyr Ivanovych (student of the 3rd group in the 3rd course of FTDAFU, Pavlenko Roman Oleksandrovych (student of the 17th group in the 3rd course of medical faculty No 1) and Mulyk Rostyslav Mykolaiovych (student of the 17th group in the 3rd course of medical faculty No 1).

The chairman of jury, Director in Institute of Hygiene and Ecology, professor S.T. Omelchuk, monitor of students’ scientific club at department M.O. Honcharenko and members in commission of appeal professor at department of hygiene and ecology No 3 M.M. Korshun and professor at department of hygiene and ecology No 2 Yu.O. Paustovskyi performed the significant volume of work for successful performance of Olympiad in discipline “Hygiene”.


Organizing Committee of the I Tournament of Olympiad in Discipline “Hygiene”