
The first lectures within the project for youth “School of young scientist” were read on 5, April, 2016 in lecture hall No 2 in sanitary hygienic building at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university.

The project was launched in 2012 by Society of young scientists and specialists at O.O. Bohomolets NMU. The purpose of the project is to improve the knowledge of young scientists and students in performance of scientific work, stages of its implementation, main norms and rules for work with scientific literature, fulfillment of scientific research, experiment, interpretation and presentation of received results.

The cycle of seminars and master classes is held by young scientists of University with involvement of experts-consultants due to “equal-to-equal” system, which removes the barriers of academism between teachers and students.

The first lectures within the project were read by Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor at department of human anatomy Oleksander Kovalchuk and Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor at department of general medical psychology Bohdan Bozhuk. The students at lectures listened to “Scientific career: what opportunities and perspectives for development of young scientist are there in medical sphere?” and “Basics for planning of scientific research. How can one define the actuality of research? What is the patent search? Principles for formation of topic for scientific work”.

Oleksander Kovalchuk and Bohdan Bozhuk answered the questions how to find yourself in medical science, how to implement the scientific developments at treatment of patients, how to write a scientific article, what possibilities the student has during study.

Applying their own experience, the lecturers underlined the main directions for actions of students: “attention – interest – decision – action – result”, and mentioned that due to such principle, having the medical education, a human can achieve the set purpose and carry out the diverse activity.

The expert in project “School of young scientist” head at department of intellectual property and transfer of technologies at scientific research unit Andrii Dinets answered the additional questions that related to the Law of Ukraine “On higher education”, as well as patenting own scientific achievements.

The society of young scientists and specialists at O.O. Bohomolets NMU invites the students to the next lectures, which are planned within the project already on 12, 19 and 26, April, 2016 in O. Korchak-Chepurkivskyy lecture hall No 2 in sanitary hygienic building at 17:00.

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Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця