
The society of young scientists and specialists of NMU in 2012 launched the scientific project for youth “School of young scientist”. The purpose of the project is to improve the knowledge of young scientists and students in performance of scientific work, stages of its implementation, main norms and rules for work with scientific literature, fulfillment of scientific research, experiment, interpretation and presentation of received results.

“School of young scientist” is the cycle of seminars and master classes, which are held by young scientists due to “equal-to-equal” system, involving the experts as consultants.

We invite all to take part in this interesting project!

17-00, 5, April (Tuesday)
O. Korchak-Chepurkivskyy lecture hall No 2 in sanitary hygienic building
Plan for performance of scientific project for youth
Society of young scientists and specialists of NMU
”School of young scientist”
Meeting 1.
Date and time of performance: 05.04.2016. 17:00 – 19:00
1. Scientific career: what opportunities and perspectives for development of young scientist are there in medical sphere? (Candidate of Medicine Tarasiuk T., Moroz V., Candidate of Medicine Kovalchuk O.)
2. Basics for planning of scientific research. How can one define the actuality of research? What is the patent search? Principles for formation of topic for scientific work. (Candidate of Medicine Bozhuk B., Candidate of Medicine Tarasiuk T.)
Meeting 2.
Date and time for performance: 12.04.2016. 17:00 – 19:00
1. Definition of materials and methods of scientific research. (Likhodiyevskyy V.)
2. What is the bioethics? Main principles of bioethics. Peculiarities for performance of experiments with involvement of experimental animals. (Tymokhyna T.)
Meeting 3.
Date and time for performance: 19.04.2016. 17:00 – 19:00
1. Basics of evidence-based medicine. Basic methods for statistical data processing. What are the most popular programs for statistical data processing and where shall one seek them? (Petelytska L.).
2. Modern opportunities for oral and written presentation of scientific data. How to establish the informative and interesting presentation of own scientific work? Rules to write theses and articles due to results of own researches. What are the basic requirements to writing the articles for publications in foreign special editions? (Korolenko V., Tarasiuk T.)
Meeting 4.
Date and time for performance: 26.04.2016. 17:00 – 19:00
1. Practical implementation of results from research. What are the main principles for writing the clinical and methodic guidelines? What is the difference between the act of implementation, invention patent, letter of information? What are the scientific metric bases and how can one get there? (Prystupiuk L.)
2. Possibilities for international cooperation for young scientist. How can one find and receive the scientific grant? (Murlanova K.)
Place for performance of event – O. Korchak-Chepurkivskyy lecture hall No 2 in sanitary hygienic building.