
How to twist Esmarch tourniquets and what tourniquets are? How to evacuate patients in current realities? How to deal with pneumothorax in the field? In addition, what is the famous NATO medical kit? This has to know not only each ordinary soldier, but also every doctor.

After all, we the doctors have to teach so as to save the wounded soldiers, on the front line we  simply must not get lost, regardless of whether we are in the red or yellow zone (dangerous and relatively safe on attacks).

More than 50 students found the answer on all these questions on October 3rd at the training of tactical medicine, organized by the ‘Medico-tactical Group Kyiv’ and student’s trade union of the NMU on a shooting range ‘Snayper’.

All participants were taught correctly apply tourniquets and turnstiles, evacuate wounded from the front lines and how not to die thus, gather NATO medical kit, and many more useful things. This was not a lecture, it was a real learning with crawling on the ground, dashes through smokescreen for the sound of shelling in order to provide first aid and evacuate simulated casualties. Moreover, that is all took place after sunset.

I would like to thank all the trainers who have spent the whole day with us, who showed patience and could teach that could be helpful to everyone!


Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця