
On 29, January, 2016 the joint work of specialists from department of orthopedics and traumatology at O.O. Bohomolets NMU (head – professor O.A. Burianov), department of traumatology at Chief military medical clinical center of MD of Ukraine and department of traumatology at Military medical clinical center in Southern region was successful: under assistance of Deputy Chairman in Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on issue of health care Iryna Sysoyenko, Odessa, namely the department of traumatology at Chief hospital in Southern region joined to already existing telemedicine network “Artemivsk-Kharkiv-Kyiv-Irpin-Lviv”.

Telemedicine is one from efficient means for communication between doctors, patients within the examination, specification of diagnosis, planned consultations, correction of treatment, distance learning. Telemedicine in EU countries has already showed itself as “the system that levels the distances between the subjects of health care system”.

The establishment and constant extension of telemedicine network in the AFU is very necessary through the armed confrontation in the east of Ukraine, as namely the telemedicine technologies are able of simplifying the work of doctors, performing the efficient managements at stages of evacuation, systemizing and standardizing the quality in rendering the medical aid. And, thus, taking into consideration the complexity and long treatment of gunshot wounds, it enables keeping the process for treatment of each injured under constant long control.

During presentation of the new project they created the single telebridge between all telemedicine center of the system, in which the chief traumatologist of MD of Ukraine, chief traumatologists in northern, southern and western regions, leading specialists of clinics took part. The urgent clinical cases were considered, the discussion about treatment of complex cases of patients, quality assessment was held.

During discussion they also paid attention to the extension in use of telemedicine in the system of the AFU, training of staff. It is planned to include the field hospitals – primary chain in rendering the aid to military men from ATO area into the single network.



Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця