
We invite you to take part in Information Day in Program of European Union ERASMUS + in the sphere of higher education that will be held on 19, November, 2015 at Kyiv national trade and economics university.

Core audience: representatives from higher schools of Ukraine, scientific research institutions, public organizations, employers and other concerned persons in preparation of projects for modernization of higher education.

During Information Day the higher schools and other concerned organizations will be presented with the structure of ERASMUS + Program in the sphere of higher education; rules for participation of Ukrainian higher schools in contests due to the following directions: “Academic mobility”; “Development of potential for higher education” (ex Tempus Program), “Jean Monet”, recommendations on preparation of project applications. The presentations will be performed by representative from HEO in Ukraine and EACEA (Brussels).

Organizers: National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine (EU project) together with Kyiv national trade and economics university, in close cooperation with Representative Office of European Union in Ukraine and under support of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and EU Executive agency on issues of education, audio visual means and culture (Brussels).

Time and place of performance: 9.00-17.30, c. Kyiv, Kioto str., 19 (near metro Lisova), 2nd floor, Congress Center, Assembly Hall.

How to get to metro Lisova:

Language: English, Ukrainian (synchronous translation is provided).

Slides of presentation: in English and Ukrainian. The materials of presentations will be placed here during 2 days before event; we invite to learn them, to print and to take with you.

Conditions for participation: free of charge, the travel is not repaid. The participants are provided with coffee breaks.

Registration: compulsory! Please, fill in the forms and send to e-mail by the following link: until 16, November, 2015.

All sent applications entitle to take part in the event.
If necessary, the special invitations for execution of business trips may be sent not later than on 17, November, 2015.
We pay your attention that the presentations of possibilities for academic mobility will be held on the following day (20, November, since 13.00 until 17.30) for students, teachers, scientists (other registration on site)
We invite you to take part!

Contacts of organizers:
National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine (EU project):
01014, c. Kyiv, Bastionna str., 9, 8th floor,
+380442866668, 3322645;,