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By Scientific medical council at Ministry of health care of Ukraine, dd. 30, July, 2015 “Actions on decentralization of medical science and education”


Having listened to the speeches by Minister of health care of Ukraine O. Kvitashvili, chairman in Scientific medical council at MHC of Ukraine, academician V. Zaporozhan, professor in Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) S. Sushelnytskyy, corresponding member in NAMS of Ukraine, professor N. Gorovenko, rector in O.O. Bohomolets National medical university, corresponding member in NAMS of Ukraine, professor K. Amosova, prorector in Odessa national medical university, professor V. Dubinina, director in SE “Ukrmedproektbud” I. Koval and speeches in discussion, the Scientific medical council at MHC of Ukraine




The establishment of conditions for development and improvement of management in the sphere of medical science and medical education is one of the top-priorities in the sphere in relation to implementation of modern scientific developments into practical health care and improvement of quality in training and improvement of qualification at medical staff in order to preserve and to improve the state of health, working ability and continuation of active public life of the country that are the main tasks for reformation of national medicine.

The Law of Ukraine “About top-priority directions in development of science and technique”, dd. 09.09.2010 No 2519-VI defines “the science about life, new technologies on prevention and treatment of the most popular diseases” as one of the top-priority directions in development of science and technique for the period up to 2020.

The development and reformation of national health care system requires the stable innovative development of medical science and medical education under market conditions.

The recent years at the border of XX-XXI centuries are characterized by intensive development of directions, related to molecular biology, genetic engineering, biotechnology, personal medicine, etc. These directions in the sphere of medical science are united; interpenetrate into each other that provide with acquisition of new knowledge about human organism in the whole, about its organs and systems, in particular, genome. In this connection the development of evidence medicine becomes one of the most important and perspective directions both in world and national medical science and its implementation into academic process and improvement of qualification at medical workers.

The importance in scientific development of medical criteria for safety and efficiency of means and methods for public health care and scientific grounding the reforms of health care, performed in Ukraine, grows.

The scientific researches, which are made in the sphere of health care within the fundamental and applied developments in the sphere of preventive and clinical medicine, scientific parts of state target programs are directed to develop and to improve the new and existing methods and means of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of the most popular, as well as socially significant diseases. A separate issue is the implementation of recent achievements of medical science in the sphere of military medicine and rehabilitation of participants in ATO, as well as the medical component for civil protection of citizens of Ukraine.

The results from scientific researches, in particular, university medical science, shall directly influence on quality of medical aid, improvement in indices of public health and activity of health care establishments, acceleration of reformation process in the sphere through preparation of scientific grounded measures.

Now the state of medical science in Ukraine is defined by state policy in the sphere of science in the country, social problems, which are formed under influence of negative demographic tendencies, state of public health and level of medical aid for population, state of health care sphere in the whole, level of social economical development in the state, its scientific, technical and educational potential.

At present moment the scientific developments in medical sphere are made at 62 scientific and 20 educational establishments at MHC of Ukraine, NAMS of Ukraine, NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine. The significant staff potential of over 2 thousands doctors and 7 thousands candidates of sciences is concentrated on their performance.

The national medical science and medical education during recent decades continues experiencing the negative influence from existing insufficient financing that caused to wear of scientific equipment at most scientific research establishments and higher medical schools.

The general unfavorable economical situation in the country and the insufficiency in organizational provision of scientific researches under new economical conditions, the absence of efficient interrelations between MHC of Ukraine, National academy of medical sciences of Ukraine and National academy of sciences of Ukraine, a certain separation of scientific researches from real needs of the sphere during recent decades significantly influenced on development of medical science in the whole.

The main factors that slow down the development of medical science and medical education in the country include:

  • Insufficient basic budget financing;
  • Obsolete regulatory legal base for development of national science;
  • Absence of developed procedure for grant financing of scientific researches and developments;
  • Weak coordination of scientific researches between NAS of Ukraine, NAMS of Ukraine, MHC of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine;
  • Insufficient development of system for state support and encouragement of the most priority and perspective researches;
  • Insufficient social protection of young scientists and constant outflow of young perspective scientists abroad, in particular, in the sphere of molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, genetics, pharmacology, oncology, transplantology, medical physics and informatics, which development is especially actual at present moment;
  • Absence of interests from health care establishments in implementation of results from scientific developments;
  • Insufficient material and technical base in most departments of higher medical schools in the country and most scientific research establishments at MHC of Ukraine.

The “retardation syndrome” in scientific researches, which is stipulated by free application of scientific and educational collectives to the new social economical conditions and implementation of elements for market relations into scientific and educational sphere, plays a certain role.

In connection with the above matter and in order to improve the management of medical science and education in direction of decentralization




  1. To accept the program provisions about improvement in efficiency for use of financial and material technical resources to provide with development for medical science and establishment of all-Ukrainian uniform scientific and medical space for fulfillment and implementation.
  2. To appeal to the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine about necessity in real implementation of provisions in Law of Ukraine “About higher education” in relation to:
    1. Establishment of independent National agency on quality of higher education in order to accelerate the autonomation process of higher schools and scientific research establishments in the sphere of development of own educational scientific programs and prevention of facts for scientific plagiarism and decentralization of management for education and science, in particular, medical sphere;
    2. Establishment of real principles for financial autonomy of higher schools.


3. The scientific medical council at MHC of Ukraine shall take part in interdepartmental working group on development of Procedure for grant financing of scientific research developments in order to implement the multi channel financing of scientific and


5.8. To develop the scientific technical entrepreneurship through establishment of scientific production enterprises within the scientific research establishments and higher medical (pharmaceutical) schools;

5.9. To implement the establishment of scientific educational centers, joint faculties, departments and research laboratories, scientific institutions together with NAMS of Ukraine.

5.10. To provide with primary participation of students, young scientists in international congresses, conferences, seminars and symposiums, to establish the conditions for perfect possession of one or two foreign languages by scientists.

5.11. To take part in framework program by European Union on financial support to innovative development “Horizon-2020”.


6. To establish the work group on development of algorithm for implementation of decentralization of training and attestation of medical staff and medical science at MHC of Ukraine together with the specialists from MES of Ukraine.


7. To share the expirience of ONMU and to implement the restoration of university clinics in medical universities of Ukraine.


8. To introduce the proposals about establishment of Specialized scientific councils on defense of doctor’s (candidate’s) dissertation due to specialty 03.00.15 – genetics due to both directions “medical sciences” and “biological sciences” at medical universities.


9. To submit the proposals about review of regulatory documents on planning, fulfillment and defense of dissertations, as well as the electronic control system as to conformity of dissertations to the abovementioned requirements (plagiarism, modernity of methodological level, practical importance, etc.) at the stage of acceptance of dissertations for defense by specialized councils.



Chairman in Scientific medical council at MHC of

Ukraine academician in NAMS of Ukraine,

Doctor of Medicine, professor                                V.M. Zaporozhan


Academic secretary

Candidate of Medicine, senior researcher           <signed>           N.V. Guseletova