
The Institute of postgraduate education is organized to improve the postgraduate training of doctors and pharmacists, to optimize the staff provision of academic, scientific, clinical and educational work pursuant to Order No 445 “About organization of faculty of postgraduate education with the dean’s office on internship and improvement of doctors’ qualification”, dd. 17, June, 2015.

The main vector for the Institute of postgraduate education at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university is the practical training of doctors, directed to consolidate the main skills in rendering the qualified medical aid according to European standards.

The Institute plans to implement the number of innovations:

1.    The update of programs for occupational training taking into consideration the possibilities to master the skills of emergency aid at critical conditions at the new educational training center (the pilot trainings will start in the second half of July for all desired people. The preliminary registration by email:

2.    The implementation of master classes and practice-oriented trainings with participation of leading specialists in the sphere of health care (master classes on ECG by professor Kateryna Amosova);

3.    The improvement in quality of occupational training for family doctors through implementation of basic protocols for diagnostics and treatment of popular nosologies and deeper mastering the skills in rendering the specialized aid to patients (enlargement in cycles of obstetrics and gynecology, ENT, ophthalmology, neurology, etc.);

4.    The implementation of academic mobility for interns during study. In particular, the possibility to acquire the expirience not only at the main department of training and under supervision of professors at other clinical bases;

5.   The arrangement of constant feedback with interns and potential employers to define the level of satisfaction with occupational training, operative correction of curricula taking into consideration the wishes of interns. As well as the establishment of stable motivation to occupational growth through provision with possibility to receive the prestigious job immediately after completion of study.

See the link for detailed information about specialties and conditions for training at internship