
The regular meeting of University Scientific Council took place on 29, May, 2015 at the conference hall of physical chemical building, where the members in councils, heads at departments, who are the reserve to the post of head at department and are responsible for academic and methodological work, were present.

The following issues were presented according to the agenda for meeting of scientific council:
1. Current and perspective tasks for training of scientific and pedagogical staff at O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University. Approval of plan for training of scientific and pedagogical staff at university for 2015. (Reporter – acting prorector on scientific activity, Professor T.M. CHERENKO)

2. About actions to prevent from corruption manifestations and abuse of official position at university. The results from anonymous survey of students. (Reporter – chairman in Anticorruption committee, Professor V.I. STEPANENKO)

3. About scientific innovative and practical activity of Dental medical center at O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University. (Reporter – director of Dental medical center M.M. LUKIANETS)

4. Life and activity of Professor Tarasov Kostiantyn Prokopovych: to 15th anniversary. (Reporter – head at department of orthopedic dentistry, Professor P.V. KUTS).
5. Current affairs

Before considering the planned issues of agenda the rector of University congratulated the head at department of general surgery No 2 Prof. O.YU. IOFFE and head at department of psychiatry and narcology Prof. O.K. NAPREYENKO with jubilees and presented the charters of honor from Scientific Council.
The winners in II stage of all-Ukrainian students’ Olympiads, winners in all-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific works and their supervisors, as well as the winners in brain ring were invited to the stage. Rector K.M. Amosova emphasized that after approval of results from Olympiad at MES and issue of the corresponding order all students-winners in Olympiads, competition of students’ scientific works, winners and organizers of intellectual games would receive the monetary bonus in the amount of three stipendiums. Besides, the supervisors of winners of students’ scientific works will receive the monetary remuneration in the amount of one monthly salary.
for high achievement in study and for victory in II stage of all-Ukrainian students’ Olympiad and

This year the intellectual games were significantly developed at University, in particular they performed the first tournament on medical “What? Where? When?”, first therapeutic brain ring “What? Where? When?” in psychiatry. The following winners and organizers of intellectual games at university were awarded with the Charter of Honor from scientific council for active public position and personal contribution into development of intellectual games:
PAVLOV Kostiantyn – student of the 4th course in medical faculty No 2; KOVALENKO Viacheslav – student of the 4th course in medical faculty No 2; NAGORNYY Oleksander – student of the 4th course in medical faculty No 2; PLIUTA Iryna – student of the 6th course in medical faculty No 2; GARGA Andriy – student of the 6th course in medical faculty No 2; MOTORNYY Volodymyr – student of the 6th course in medical faculty No 2; DANCHENKO Anastasiia – student of the 5th course in medical faculty No 1, organizer of 8 intellectual competitions at NMU during 2014-2015, founder of society “Intellectual games at NMU”;
MELIKSETIAN Astrik – student of the 4th course in medical faculty No 1, active participant in “Intellectual games at NMU”, organizer of 2 games, initiator of project of medical tournament at NMU.

Individually the rector mentioned about activity of the team captain Arman KACHARIAN, who studies at university due to contract and, unfortunately, cannot receive the monetary remuneration, however he made the significant contribution into development of intellectual games at University.

The following heads of scientific works by students-winners in all-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific works were awarded with the Charter of honor from Scientific Council for fruitful work with talented youth: Professor T.S. GRUZEVA – head at department of health care organization and social medicine; K.YU. ZAGORODNIUK – assistant at department of hygiene and ecology; Professor V.G. MISHALOV – head at department of surgery No 4; Professor O.K. NAPREYENKO – head at department of psychiatry and narcology; Professor I.V. NIZHENKIVSKA – head at department of pharmaceutical, biological and toxicological chemistry; corresponding member in NAS and NAMS of Ukraine, Professor I.S. CHEKMAN – head at department of pharmacology.

5. Current affairs. It was announced that the extraordinary meeting of scientific council, devoted to employment issues, will be held on 12, June, 2015, and consideration of most current affairs is postponed to June. Thus, the meeting considered only urgent current affairs, in particular:
5.1. About approval of candidates for employees to receive the honorary rewards by MHC of Ukraine:
– Charter of Honor by MHC of Ukraine
Assistant Professor at department of medical and general chemistry GALINSKA Valentyna Ivanivna (on occasion of the 75th anniversary);
– Gratitude by MHC of Ukraine
Assistant Professor at department of medical and general chemistry SMELIANOV Volodymyr Borysovych (on occasion of the 80th anniversary)
5.2. About procedure for submission of documents to Scientific Council of NMU for recommendation of textbooks and educational guidelines for publication.
5.3. About approval of methodical recommendations on organization of students’ independent work.
5.4. About approval of structure for scientific research part.
5.5. Approval of structure for SRI of clinical and experimental medicine.

Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця