
The 13th international symposium “Minimally invasive and instrumental surgery of spine” under support of International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spine Surgery (ISMISS) / SICOT and American Academy of Minimally Invasive Spinal Medicine and Surgery (AAMISMS) and under the patronage of M.I. Sytenko Institute of pathology in spine and joints at NAMS of Ukraine took place in Lviv on 30, May, 2015.

The leading specialists from many countries all over the world (Austria, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Switzerland, France, and Czech Republic) took part in symposium to share and to discuss the scientific achievements and practical results in one of the most difficult directions of modern minimally invasive surgery – operative interferences on the spine.

The development of this kind of spinal surgery became possible all over the world and in Ukraine thanks to recent implementation of the newest technologies, which are grounded on high-accuracy tool basis. Less traumatic for patient approaches to operative interference on the spine and other components of human locomotor apparatus at diseases and injuries are used. These technologies provide with the significant reduction in terms for treatment of patient, his/her efficient occupational and social rehabilitation with achievement of significant positive effect from treatment, improvement of human life in the whole.

The event was visited by delegation of employees from O.O. Bohomolets NMU and department of orthopedics and traumatology at NSCH “OKHMATDYT” consisting of Professor A.F. Levytskyy, doctor-vertebrologist M.M. Dolianytskyy, doctor-neurophysiologist K.S. Kuryska, doctor-intern V.O. Rogozynskyy.

They heard 29 reports, among them the report by chief children’s orthopaedist-traumatologist at MHC of Ukraine, head at department of pediatric surgery at O.O. Bohomolets NMU, professor A.F. Levytskyy on topic “Thoracoscopic discectomy in surgical treatment of idiopathic scoliosis at children”.
Thanks to rapid development of minimally invasive surgery in Ukraine at children, the patients with scoliosis received the chance to return the health and full life not leaving abroad.


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