
The joint actions by department of health care organization and social medicine at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university and WHO Bureau in Ukraine within fulfillment of UN Joint Program “Assistance to integration policy and services of people with invalidity in Ukraine”.

Some actions were held on 7, May, 2015 at department of health care organization and social medicine at O.O. Bohomolets NMU, including the scientific educational seminar on urgent issues of invalidity, working meeting on discussion of results from implementation of the project “Assistance to integration policy and services of people with invalidity in Ukraine” due to direction of WHO and the round table “Universal design as a guaranty for development of inclusive society”.


The participants in actions were the teachers at departments of health care organization and social medicine and medical informatics and computer educational technologies of O.O. Bohomolets NMU, department of social medicine, health care organization and economics as Kharkiv national medical university, international association of young scientists “Health and environment”, WHO Bureau in Ukraine and students.


During the seminar they heard the reports about modern peculiarities for spread of invalidity at global, regional and national level, principles of integration policy and provision of disable people in Ukraine with medical services, existing world experience in military invalidity in the countries of the Middle East, medical practice, based on evidences, prevention and treatment of patients with invalidity as a result of NIS.


The issues about provision with implementation of standards on availability and universal design at health care establishments, necessity in clear definition of responsibility for this process, necessity in occupational training of medical men to render the medical aid to the patients with invalidity taking into consideration the psychological aspects of disabled people, as well as pursuant to evidence-based prevention and treatment caused to lively interests among the audience.


The decision about necessity in medical social support to people with invalidity in Ukraine, involvement of specialists from the first chain of health care into implementation of standards for availability and universal design in medicine for people with invalidity, inclusion of issues about medical service of disabled people as a result of military actions, including prosthetic care, psychological support, into training programs of specialists for health care system due to results from discussion of working meeting on discussion of results from implementation of the project “Assistance to integration policy and services of people with invalidity in Ukraine”


The important event was the round table “Universal design as a guaranty for development of inclusive society”. Its participants were the specialists in the sphere of social medicine and health care organization at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university, Kharkiv national medical university, international association of young scientists “Health and environment”, WHO Bureau in Ukraine, correspondent of newspaper “Medical cadres”, “Osvita”, scientific practical journals “Eastern European journal of public health”, “Art of treatment”, “Medical law”, etc.


Due to the results from work of the round table they took the decision that the top-priority directions in realization of universal design system in Ukraine as a guaranty for development of inclusive society is the psychological support to disabled people as a result from military actions in the east of Ukraine, solution of medical problems in disability, including prosthetic care, improvement of learning in issues about management of patients, who receive disability as a result from military actions and have the psychological disorders and consideration of possibility for financial support to programs on improvement of qualification and subject-based improvement of medical employees on issues about solution of medical social problems of invalidity at specialists of the first chain in health care.


The special attention was paid to expediency in wide description of issues about application of standards for availability and universal design in medicine, overall solution of medical problems at people with invalidity in mass media and specialized scientific practical editions.