
The 2nd stage in all-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific works on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in the sphere “Preventive medicine” in 2014/2015 a.y. was held on 24, March, 2015 at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university.

According to the order from MHC of Ukraine O.O. Bohomolets NMU was acknowledged as the basic establishment on performance of the 2nd tournament in Competition, it established the sectoral competition commission, headed by rector, corresponding member in NAMS of Ukraine, professor Amosova K.M.

Due to results from review of the works, submitted to the Competition the members in sectoral competition commission sent the invitations to the authors of the best works for participation in final scientific practical conference for scientific report and defense of the work. 20 scientific works, whose authors were 27 students of 10 higher schools from all regions of Ukraine, were recommended for participation in the mural stage of the 2nd tournament.

The thematic palette of scientific researches was extremely wide and covered the issues about prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases, including the diseases of blood circulatory system, struggle against very dangerous diseases, in particular, tuberculosis and AIDS, reduction in spread of risk factors for chronic and infectious pathology, formation of healthy lifestyle, breast-feeding, improvement in organization of medical aid, medical rehabilitation, as well as hygienic assessment of ambient air, peculiarities for accumulation of Cesium-137 in environmental media, epidemiological analysis on polymorphism of genes, epidemiological clinical peculiarities for diarreagenic colibacillosis, social demographic characteristics for hospital patients with viral hepatitis, etc.
Taking into consideration the proper level in preparation of scientific works and high level in their presentation, the determination of the winners in Competition was rather a difficult task. The composition of jury included the leading specialists in the sphere of preventive medicine, heads at department and professors of O.O. Bohomolets NMU and other higher schools of Ukraine. The criteria to assess the scientific works were the actuality and novelty of the work, methodology and methodic for performance of researches, logic, succession and completeness in statement of material, practical significance of submitted conclusions, independence of performed research, as well as execution and introduction of presentation.

The sectoral competition commission at its meeting took the decision about determination of the winners pursuant to reviews and open discussion of scientific works.

5 students’ scientific works were defined as the best due to results from mural stage in the 2nd tournament of Competition. The 1st place was assigned to the students’ scientific work “Medical social aspects of lifestyle and ways for prevention of non-infectious diseases at medical students” (author Fedorenko Ya.S., O.O. Bohomolets NMU), the 2nd place – 2 works: “Improvement in quality of medical aids to patients with arterial hypertension pursuant to implementation of internal audit mechanism” (authors Zaytseva T.O. Krasnopolska N.V., Sumy state university) and “Hygienic assessment of ambient air in settlements in Galytskyy district in Ivano-Frankivsk region” (Yosypyshyn D.P., O.O. Bohomolets NMU), the 3rd place – 2 works: “Contribution by famous territorial sanitary doctors in Katerynoslavschyna at the end of XIX – beginning of XX century into public health preservation” (author Li A.R., SE “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy”) and “Information, psychological, intensive factors for breast feeding by females from countryside in Poltava region” (authors Synenko V.A., Pylypenko I.V., HSSEU “Ukrainian medical dental academy”).

The winners in all-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific works on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in the sphere “Preventive medicine” received the diplomas and valuable gifts. All participants received the certificates.

The participants think that the important result from performed event was the open exchange with scientific achievements, establishment of new creative elations, and meaningful advice to young scientists by leading specialists in the sphere of preventive medicine. The results of Competition testify that the future of preventive medical science is in good hands.

Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця