Clarification to higher education foreign applicants regarding the preparation of USQE components


During admission to the Bogomolets National Medical University, each entrant had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the legislation of Ukraine and the requirements of the educational and professional training program for relevant specialties in the “22 Healthcare” branch of knowledge.

Due to Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine № 266 dated 29.04.2015  та № 334 dated 28.03.2018 the main form of the holders attestation at the educational and qualification level “specialist”, the higher education degree “master” in the specialties of the in the “22 Healthcare” branch of knowledge is the Unified State Qualification Examination (USQE).

Taking this exam at the first stage, in addition to checking professional knowledge (Stage 1), requires mandatory knowledge control of the English language in a professional direction. The components of the second stage are an integrated test exam (Stage 2) and an objective structured clinical (practical) exam (OSС(P)E).

One of the main foundations and principles of the qualification exam is integration into the international educational and scientific space. Therefore, the Testing Center actively cooperates with the international community in the fields of medical education in the form of joint projects, advisory support and expertise.

We emphasize that despite the complexity of the martial law, our University continues to provide high-quality educational services to students of higher education, ensures that graduates receive Diploma Supplement diplomas of the international European model.

It should be noted, that the completion of all stages of the USQE gives preference to the diploma received by the graduates and makes graduates competitive in further professional activities. The absence of such an exam in the diploma of a future doctor lowers the quality of the knowledge he acquired during his studies and limits his opportunities as a specialist in the branched of medicine.

Therefore, obtaining a master’s degree in the “22 Healthcare” branch of knowledge in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine is possible only on the condition of successful completion of all the specified components of the relevant educational and professional programs, which provide for mandatory completion of the Unified State Qualification Exam.

Due to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine № 269 dated 28.03.2023  “On amendments to the procedure for conducting the Unified State Qualifying Examination for master’s degree graduates  in the “22 Healthcare” branch of knowledge in order to ensure the safety of foreign citizens, it is possible for them to take the exam during martial law outside of Ukraine according to the Center’s schedule testing.

Therefore, obtaining a master’s degree in the “22 Healthcare” branch of knowledge without completing all stages of the USQE is not possible in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine!

Useful links:

  • – About taking USQE exams abroad:

 The administration of the Bogomolets National Medical University