
Committee EMTRAIN, Seminar of young scientists (EMTRAIN WP6), on the base of Karolinska Institutet (c. Stockholm, Sweden) invites the postgraduate students to take part in EMTRAIN Seminar of young scientists in 2015.


This year the Seminar will be held in Janssen outside Antwerpen in Belgium on 26-29, April.

The committee considers the applications from postgraduate students if there are the finances of sponsor aid by private partners (companies).

IMPORTANT! You may apply for EMTRAIN scholarship for consideration by contest commission of EMTRAIN Committee. The prerequisite is the strong motivation to enter the pharmaceutical industry in the future. EMTRAIN scholarship covers the expenses for travel and accommodation.


Previous EMTRAIN PhD seminars were highly assessed by all participants, students and senior teachers. The Seminar of young scientists 2015 again offers the capturing interactive program. This year the topic is the translational medicine. The students, who attend EMTRAIN PhD seminars, will be offered to join to the network of young scientists, who in the future will build the bridges between industry and academic circles.


See the invitation, sample of application and the additional information in attached documents. All annexes shall be made due to attached forms and sent to until 29 January, 2015.


Additional information in international relations department of NMU.