
The meeting of university administration, headed by acting rector of University, professor Yaroslav Tsekhmister, took place on 23, March, 2016 in administrative building.

The first issue in agenda was “About results from passage through LIE “Krok-1. Dentistry” (reporter: pro-rector on educational pedagogical activity, assistant professor Stechenko O.V.).
1. To organize the performance of pre-exam consultations in academic disciplines of LIE “Krok 1. Dentistry” by the most qualified teachers at department;
2. Until 1, May, 2016, to analyze the results from passage through “Krok 1. Dentistry” for 2016 at methodical meetings and to introduce the corresponding correctives into organization of educational process at department especially with foreign students in dental faculty;
3. The pro-rector on scientific pedagogical activity, acting head at academic methodical division, head at sector on monitoring for quality of education:
– shall perform the operational meetings with the students of the 3rd course in dental faculty on their notification about importance for composition, methodology of training and procedure for performance of LIE “Krok 1” as an element of State attestation in October, 2016;
– to develop and to approve the questionnaire form for anonymous survey of Russian and English speaking foreign students in dental faculty until 15, April, 2016 by the order within the University;
– since 1, September, 2016 to perform the audit for level of methodical provision and quality in teaching of disciplines “Krok 1” to foreign students;
– until 1, April, 2016 to prepare the draft order within University as to approval of Program for optimization of work at departments with foreign students;
– results from analysis of taking and retaking LIE “Krok 1. Dentistry” shall be reported at the next meetings of university administration and Scientific council of University;
– to establish the commission on analysis of events for training of students in dental faculty for LIE “Krok 1. Dentistry”.
The following issue in agenda was the information “About design of diplomas about higher education at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university”. The pro-rector on scientific pedagogical activity O.V. Stechenko got acquainted the present people with design of diplomas about higher education and levels for protection of documents.
1. To approve the design of diplomas for junior specialist, specialist, master in 2016.
2. To approve the design of diplomas for junior specialist, specialist, master with honors in 2016.
The control for fulfillment of decision shall be entrusted to the first pro-rector on scientific pedagogical activity.
Assistant professor Stechenko O.V. also reported “About reorganization of departments”.
1. To approve the model for reorganization of departments of neurology and rehabilitation medicine and department of physical rehabilitation and sport medicine into department of neurology, physical rehabilitation and sport medicine.
2. To assign the department of neurology, physical rehabilitation and sport medicine to medical faculty No 3.
3. To put the issue about reorganization of departments for consideration of Scientific council at O.O. Bohomolets NMU.
Responsible persons: pro-rector on scientific pedagogical activity.
Period for fulfillment: 24, March, 2016.
About readiness for performance of University Scientific council on occasion of election to the posts of heads at departments, professors and persons, with whom the fixed term labor agreement has expired – reporter: head of human resources department Zhukovtseva L.I. and academic secretary of University Scientific council Sulik V.V. The last issue in agenda that was heard by members in university administration was “Information about amendment to Regulations about Dental medical center at O.O. Bohomolets NMU” (reporter: pro-rector on scientific pedagogical, treatment work and postgraduate education, professor Naumenko O.M.)