
O.O. Bohomolets NMU was included into Consortium of universities for global health. The membership in Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) will provide NMU with possibility to increase the presence in the world community, to develop the relations with scientific institutions, companies and governments all over the world, as well as to ensure the access to information about working places, scientific research and educational possibilities.

Certain advantages and possibilities from membership of NMU in Consortium:

1.  To be a member in powerful organization of 135 best universities (mainly, the USA, Canada, Europe), to build the long term partner relations with these universities

(such as Boston University, Cornell University, Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Loyola University, Chicago, Ohio State University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of British Columbia, California, University

2. Access to webinars and seminars, which are held by universities of Consortium for global health, to leading academic programs for global health of universities and interaction with their directors.

3. Access to a number of grant programs, scholarships, passage through internship, working vacancies and paid opportunities for scientific researches (open only for members in CUGH).

4. Access to information center of global health, which includes the educational materials and materials for development of educational programs, seminars, etc.

5. Access to section Council of Opportunities of CUGH (open only for members in CUGH).

6. Priorities and discounts at registration for participation in annual conferences of Consortium (with publications).

7. Right of institutional vote in elections and initiatives by CUGH.

8. Possibilities for participation in work of committees / working groups, as well as for institutional representation in CUGH Board of directors.



Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) is the international organization, which is based in Washington, District Columbia, and unites over 130 scientific institutions and other organizations all over the world that take part in solution of global problems in the sphere of health care.

Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) was founded in 2008 by leading northern American universities and thanks to financing from Bill and Melinda Gates Fund and Rockefeller Fund.

The main purpose in activity of CUGH is to build the interdisciplinary cooperation and to facilitate the process on exchange of knowledge to solve the global problems in the sphere of health care. This helps the members in Consortium to share their expirience in education, scientific researches and organizational issues. CUGH is devoted to create the balance of resources and exchange of students and teachers between institutions in rich and poor countries, acknowledging the importance of equal partnership between scientific institutions from the countries, being developed, and their colleagues at universities from developed countries in planning, implementation, management and assessment of results from joint projects.

The activity of CUGH is directed to the following:

Determination of sphere and discipline of global health;

Standardization of necessary curricula and competencies for discipline global health;

Determination of criteria and conditions for allocation of students and teachers at receiving establishments;

Provision with coordination of projects and initiatives between universities with many resources from developed countries and universities and institutions from countries, being developed.

CUGH is designed to strengthen the justice and to reduce the irregularities as to preservation of health all over the world, assists to mutually profitable and long term partner relations between universities from developed countries and universities from countries, being developed, development of human capital and consolidation of institutional opportunities of establishments for solution of these problems; strives for transmission of knowledge into practice and reinforcement of universities’ role in global health.

The organization is governed by Board of directors – academic leaders of global health. The secretariat of CUGH is in Washington, District Columbia.


We sincerely congratulate all colleagues on such important step on the way to international acknowledgment in wide professional space!

We work for NMU!

We work for Ukraine!