Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy



Responsible person: Professor Olena Khaustova, +380677974247

Research work

Responsible person: Associate Professor Inna Mukharovska, +380985000215

Grant activity

Responsible person: Assistant Professor Iryna Frankova, +380667446732

Publishing activities


Vermetten, E., Frankova, I., Chaban, O., Carmi L., Zohar J.(Eds), Risk management of terrorism induced stress, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Sub-series E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol  148, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2020, ISBN 978-1-64368-056-9



Chaban O., Khaustova O., Asanova A., Trachuk L., Assonov D. «Practical Psychosomatics: Diagnostic Scales». Tutorial. Kyiv, 2019


Khaustova O. – the chapter “The prodromal stage of the primary episode of psychosis: modern approaches to diagnosis and therapy” in the book “Early Intervention in Psychosis (New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Paradigms): A Collective Monograph, ed. V.P. Voloshina, N.O. Maruta» Kharkiv, 2019.

Chaban OS, Haustova OO, Omelyanovich V.Yu. “Emergency care in psychiatry and addictology” Monograph. Kyiv, 2019


The main areas of scientific and practical work


Number of students: masters, postgraduate students

At the moment there are 5 postgraduate (PhD) students of the 1st year (2019 – 2020) at the Department / DMPPM.


Scientific interests


psychosomatic medicine, psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, medical psychology, psychotherapy, non-psychotic mental disorders, stress-related mental disorders


Implementation into clinical practice


Research Results were implemented into National medical universities, general as well as psychotherapy practice in Ukraine.

Clinical practice of our team members as well as practice for our students is performed at the DMPPM clinical bases (see contact details in II. GENERAL INFORMATION above):

  • Kyiv Railway Clinical Hospital № 1 of Branch «Health Center» оf JSC «Ukrainian Railway», psychoneurological department (Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • Kyiv Railway Clinical Hospital № 2 of Branch «Health Center» оf JSC «Ukrainian Railway», (Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital №9, Podilskyi district (Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • National Children’s Specialized Hospital “OKHMATDYT” of Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Kyiv)
  • “Sofia” Medical Center of Psychotherapy, Psychiatry and Practical Psychology (Kyiv)




Textbooks / manuals

Practical Psychosomatics: Diagnostic Scales / Chaban OS, Khaustova OO, Asanova AE et al.]. – Kyiv, 2019.


Khaustova OO. The prodromal stage of the primary episode of psychosis: modern approaches to diagnosis and therapy / Khaustova OO // Early Intervention in Psychosis (New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Paradigms): A Collective Monograph, ed. VP Voloshyna, NO Maruta / Khaustova OO. – Kharkiv, 2019.


Chaban OS. Emergency care in psychiatry and addiction / Chaban OS, Khaustova OO, Omelyanovych VY. – Kyiv, 2019.


Membership in professional associations


All our department colleagues are full members of the Ukrainian Association of Psychosomatic Medicine.




Iryna Koval was awarded the Certificate of Honor by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.