Department of Pediatrics № 1



OSCE2 station


Station passport OSCE-1


Titleofthestation“Anthropometric measurement in children, results evaluation”

Type of the station ‑ practical skills. OSCE 1.


Objective– todemonstratetheabilitytoconductanthropometricmeasurements (headcircumference, body weight andbodylength) inchildandto evaluatetheresultsofanthropometricmeasurementsusingthecentilestandardsmethodin outpatienthospitalinaccordancewiththeNelsontextbookofpediatrics, 20thedition, 2016.


Conditionsforthe OSCE station conduction

Patient– pediatrictrainingmanikin.

Consumablematherials ‑ hand antiseptics, disposablehandnapkins, disposablediapers.

Equipment –  roomequipped as a general practitioner office: desk, 2 chairs, baby changingtable, digital infant scale, measuring board (forinfants), measuring tape, “Anthropometricsurveyform” based on centile standardstables (30pieces).


Instruction for student

Conductthe anthropometricmeasurements (headcircumference, bodyweight, bodylength) ininfant.

Evaluate theresultsofanthropometricmeasurementsaccording tothe “Anthropometricsurveyform”using centilestandards tables .

Timing – 5 min.



  1. Student’s general appearance (cleanbuttonedwhitecoat, gatheredhair, shortnails, appropriateshoes)
  2. Hand antiseptic application
  3. Thechild’s head circumference measurement. Sounding the result
  4. The child’s body weight measurement. Soundingtheresult
  5. Thechild’s bodylength measurement. Sounding the result
  6. Evaluate theresultsofanthropometricmeasurementsaccording tothe “Anthropometricsurveyform” provided by examinator using centilestandards method (for example see below)


Anthropometric inspection form

(by centile standards method)



Age Index Actual index Centile corridor Assessment
Girl 4 years Weight 13,5 kg 3% – 10%  


Height 49 сm 10% – 25%