Department Surgery №1

Students` scintific group
Подпись: Bid Kiev Surgical Society (1908), Professor Emeritus Member of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Nicholay Markianovych VolkovychГурток факультетської хірургії №1 НМУПодпись: MD, Ph.D., Professor, Honored Worker of Science of USSR, member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Alexei Petrovich Krymov



Krymov Students` scientific group of the Department of Surgery #1 Sudents`  scientific group started work in the 20 years of the last century.


His foundation is connected with the name of the students of the world-famous scientist M. Volkovich, who has graduated from the St. Volodymir Medical University.


The famous scientists and surgeons who attended this scientific group were M. Kolomiychenko, E. Chernyahiwskiy, and many others. M. Kolomiychenko (1892-1973) – Honored figure Ukraine, the head of the department of general surgery, authors 5 monographs, the founder of the esophagus plastics surgery. V. Maltsev has been the head of Student’s scientific group on the department of surgery #1 since 1976.

The head of department surgery #1 MD, Chief Researcher, Honorary Doctor of Ukraine.
The head of Student’s scientific group is Phd of medicine V. Maltsev.

Подпись: Group Associate Director, PhD V. Maltsev




The main directions of the Student’s scientific group are:

  • Surgery of digestive system;
  • Urgent abdominal surgery;
  • Restoration and reconstructive surgery of the abdomen;
  • Electrical methods in surgery of the abdominal cavity;
  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Different types of treatment of jaundice original method ( antegrade and retrograde stenting external biliary tract);
  • Cellular surgery in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease;
  • Development conservative treatment of chronics diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon, acute pancreatitis
  • Treatment of purulent complication of the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, abscess of various localization


The A. Krimov Student scientific group meeting on the department of surgery #1 is held twice a month. The tutors and lectors of the department of surgery #1 conduct thematic lecture during the Student’s scientific group meetings.  Student’s scientific group of Department surgery #1 is active in the most modern scientific medical research and participates in international conferences. Recently its members have participated in the workshops organized by the Department of Surgery #1.




Подпись: The members of group of department surgery #1


The goal of the work Student’s scientific group is to study practical skills, work with the medical literature, active participation in the scientific research


Подпись: Surgery Section V (67) of the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists 'Actual Problems of Modern Medicine' at the Department of Surgery №1.


The A. Krimov Student scientific group meeting on the department of surgery #1 is held twice a month. The tutors and lectors of the department of surgery #1 conduct thematic lecture during the Student’s scientific group meetings.  Student’s scientific group of Department surgery #1 is active in the most modern scientific medical research and participates in international conferences. Recently its members have participated in the workshops organized by the Department of Surgery #1.


Подпись: Study group at the master - class V67) International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists 'Actual Problems of Modern Medicine' spend hirurhichnni skills at the clinic 'Oberig'.





The plan of the meeting is the following:
Clinical wardround particularly serious or rare cases ( clinical cases prepared the heads of department)
Students` report. Discussion.
Video demonstration on Important or new technologies in the modern surgery. The acquisition of practical skills.



Подпись: A small part members awards