Department of Water Hygienic Studies

Goals: testing of drinking water intended for human consumption, water of reservoirs, sewage water, and establishment of compliance with its hygienic requirements. Substantiation of maximum allowable concentration in water of reservoirs of household purpose of active ingredients which are a part of chemical plant protection products (insecticidal and acaricidal, fungicidal, herbicidal action, as well as fertilizers and plant growth regulators).


When plant chemicals fall into waters in hazardous quantitates, possibility of deterioration of self-purification from organic substances, poor organoleptic water characteristics and manifestations of toxic action with possible long-term effects may arise. Pesticides are able to exhibit direct and indirect action onto human health (when reach the body with drinking water and in case of restricted water use due to disordered reservoir self-purification, respectively).

Poor central water supply provision in rural areas of Ukraine (population supply-22.1), out-of-date treatment facilities and technological schemes of water purification of most water supply stations, bad condition of waterpipes, – due to combination of these factors it is impossible to decrease water solved toxic substances concentration, including pesticides. This is why there arises necessity of defining the threshold limit value of pesticides in waters used for human consumption and household use by three parameters of hazardousness: organoleptic, general sanitation and sanitation- toxicological one.


The parameters which are detected during laboratory studies and defining the threshold limit value are:

  • analytic balance
  • photocolorimeter KFK-2
  • spectrophotometer
  • рН-meter
  • thermostat
  • laboratory utensils
Algorithm of

substantiating sanitation standards of water chemicals content :

The studies are held according to international and National standard-technical documents and guides

  1. Substantiating hygienic standards of chemical substances in drinking and household water: МУ № МЗ РФ, 1998. 36 p
  2. Prokopov V.О. Drinking water of Ukraine: medical-ecological and sanitation-hygienic aspects: monograph / V.О. Prokopov; by A.M.Serdiuk. К.: «Medicine», 2016. 400 p.